Guest List
India Tomorrow
Organising By: Honorary Doctorate Awards Council, United Nations (USA)

India Tomorrow

World human rights protection commission and health
World human rights protection commission and health

An honorary degree too is entirely legitimate and may be used in the exact same way as others.
Constitution of India

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or World status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
2. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offense on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offense, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offense was committed.

Supreme Law

We are dedicated to support you
In courts, in the media, and in various public and legislative for a, WHRPC is a strong advocate for laws and policies that promote and defend human rights. An important part of WHRPC as work involves advocacy against legislation and policies that undermine human rights. This includes working to increase public awareness through research and dissemination of accurate information on violations and anti-poor policies.
Target Fulfil
WHRPC has been at the forefront of efforts to formulate laws and policies – such as against child sexual abuse, against communal crimes, and for the right to food and work. WHRPC Counseling efforts encourage debates and discussions at the local, state, and national levels.
Board Of Members Legal Advisor WHRPC.
Giridhar Gamang
Bipin Bihari Mishra
B K Mishra
Prasanna Hota
Dr. R. P. Kaushik
The nation wide network offers quick response and pro bono expertise to those who have little or no access to the justice system. Lawyers offer legal representation and advice to people who cannot afford legal representation. WHRPC is part of the access to justice movement.
Over the past decade, the Channel has made a critical transition from individual litigation in the lower courts to filing public interest petitions in the High Courts and in the Supreme Court. Our experience is that a decisive and professional intervention at the level of the Supreme Court can bring about changes in retrogressive state policies and bring relief to millions.

Don’t hesitate to contact with us for any kind of inquries!
24/7 hours support
Best Trusted Organization
Advisory Members
WHRPC board advisory members election process has been started. Interested persons can apply for nomination. Country ambassador , Ministers and MP’s are eligible only.

Justice Bira Kishore Mishra

Pratibha Devi Singh Patil

Justice A.S Naidu
Be a part of our team; inform people, widen our network, and help us to organize collection camps. If you can spare some time, wherever you are you can spread awareness even on the phone/email. Talk to your colleagues, friends, neighbors and relatives about WHRPC work. Spare a small space in your home/office twice a year (for a week) as a centre for our special collection drives. Better still, can you spare this space as a permanent WHRPC collection centre? Approach the school, college or professional institute that you were/are a part of, for a collection drive and long-term partnership with us.
Motivate your employees/colleagues to join in our efforts. Initiate a collection drive in your organization where employees can bring in their unwanted but re-usable material for WHRPC. You can also support us financially/sponsor any of our activities. Donate your old newspapers, one-side-used-paper on a monthly basis. Support us with new/old office automation equipment like computers, printer Photostat machine & office furniture.
Sponsor our camps, events, products and administrative expenditure. Often we are forced to incur huge costs on short-lived activities like collection camps or 2-3 day events. This becomes a monetary problem for us as WHRPC. Is a small organization with limited funds? Even printing a catalogue is a pocket pinching exercise for us. We thus appeal to any individual/organization that would like to help us out. We would be happy to give a line of credit to the sponsor in our promotional material.
What do you do with your non saleable/surplus material (for e.g. cloth, garments, footwear, stationary, toys, books, utensils, furniture etc.)? Instead of throwing it away, you can give it to WHRPC . We re-use and re-distribute this or based on your permission, sell it to raise funds. This creates an environmental-friendly and socially responsible channel for the disposal of your wastage. Financial contributions (big/small) are also welcome to help spread the impact of our initiatives to a larger area.

Dr. Pankaj Kumar

Dr. Simanchal Panda

Dr. Dipesh Pashte

Dr. Ganesh Baulk

Dr.Jiwan Singh Danu

Dr. Mohammed Arshad Muddassir

Dr. Sebastian P.A

Dr. NayanJyoti Norah
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